It’s True! Evidence That Thoughts Shape Reality
Is there any scientific evidence that shows our thoughts directly influence our physical reality and surroundings? Actually, there is - and this unique research was conducted in the 1990's by a Japanese author and researcher, Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Sage Smudge
The use of sage smudge sticks is based in Native American tradition and can help to cleanse and purify your environment. These smudge sticks are made from natural botanicals and are mostly used for cleansing spaces such as homes. In addition…

How to Find Inner Peace
Peace is an essential element of happiness. Many people say they are searching for happiness, but what they are truly seeking is inner peace, an underlying sense of calm and quiet strength that remains no matter what upheavals might appear in…

A Pagan and a Christian walk into a bar…
There is a joke MEME going around online that says, "A Jew, a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, and an Atheist walk into a bar...then they talk, laugh, drink and become great friends. It's not a joke, it's what happens when you are not an asshole."

5 Ways to Improve Your Well Being
Do you ever struggle and feel that perhaps your life is not all it could be? Have you wondered how you might find more peace and fulfillment? There are several techniques that can be used to improve your outlook and put life in proper perspective.…

How to Use Stones for Healing
Stones can be used as an aid for all types of healing - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. All aspects of our being are intimately connected, whether we perceive it or not. When we focus on healing one area, the other corresponding aspects…

Different Pendulums and Their Uses
Pendulums are a very versatile tool for personal growth and consciousness expansion. They're easy to learn, can travel with you anywhere, and can be used for self-hypnosis, energy healing, meditation and divination. In this article you'll…

Meaning of the OM Symbol
The OM or AUM symbol is widely popular and seen today on everything from tattoos to home décor. It is chanted by many during yoga classes and meditation, but how many truly understand the depth of meaning embodied in this simple symbol and…

What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient healing practice used to improve health, relieve stress and pain, and bring body, mind and spirit into proper balance. The word Reiki is derived from two Japanese words Rei, which represents the Divine, higher universal…

With specimens that have dated back almost 2 billion years, Shungite is indeed a very ancient, and powerful, stone. It is also quite rare, found only in the Karelia region in Russia.
It's origins are very mysterious and no consensus has…